October 30, 2016

Every Author's Dream

All author's secretly wish their novel would be made into a movie film--I am no different!

If Finding Destiny were made into a movie, I have already chosen who would play the role of Destiny, the young heroine of the book. As I was writing the book, I found a photo of Emilia Clarke, a young English actress and kept a photograph of her above my computer to give me inspiration. 

When reading the book, you can hold this image in your mind...maybe that will even help manifest her starring in the movie!

October 11, 2016

A Writer's Limbo

Hi Everyone!

One of my articles was posted again on a great Writer's Blog called "Two Drops of Ink." I wanted to share it here with you all. I have been between books and unsure if I wanted to tackle beginning the long process of writing another...the article sums up my feelings quite nicely!

Enjoy the article!
