April 27, 2011

New Beginnings

Happy Spring Everyone! This is the time of year for New Beginnings....

We all know that New Beginnings can happen in a instant. By giving ourselves permission to begin a new day, a new path, a new way of thinking-- we can choose to “begin again.” We experience New Beginnings many times in our lives. Take a moment to look at your own life, your past experiences. Think about the new ways in which you have needed to begin again many times throughout your life.

 New Beginnings can happen when you began a new job or career--A new diet or exercise program---A new relationship--A new kind of worship or meditation practice. Also, when you begin a new school or educational training. Have you recently acquired a new pet or had a new baby enter the family? Definitely, a New Beginning! New Beginnings can happen when you have been challenged with a new health issue; or, if you have recently been married, divorced, or even experienced a death of a family member or friend.

 Each time we journey on a new path to experience a New Beginning, it is important to consciously allow ourselves to review, process emotions--especially forgiveness--and learn to accept our new path. Also, before we move toward a New Beginning, it is important to learn the lessons from our past experience. One way to do this is to ask ourselves questions such as: What do I know now that I did not know before this experience? Why was it important for me to learn this truth or lesson? Do I need to forgive others or myself before I move forward?

 I like to remember the following quote from Numerologist Christine DeLorey when thinking about learning lessons from the past: "Stop holding your past at arms length as if you are afraid that it will catch up with you. It's meant to! Let it! The past is filled with knowledge and experience, and what it has to teach you needs to be accepted into the present. Only then will you be able to feel, sense, and create what you want."

Have a wonderful Spring filled with compassion and joy!

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